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City of Bonney Lake - Public Works

21719 96th St E Buckley, WA 98321


Bonney Lake Community Garden (BLCG)

  • Garden plot assignments will be determined by the Membership Coordinator. Gardeners who are in good standing from the previous year receive priority.
  • The plot can be gardened from the time of assignment until termination of membership.
  • Limit of 2 plots per individual with a limit of 4 per household.
  • Preference will be given to those with physical limitations for the 4 double-height plots.
  • A free-standing tool shed is provided for garden members for storage of tools.
  • Wood chips, compost, and water for the garden are available on site at no charge.

Gardener Responsibilities: Each gardener will:

  1. Pay fees associated with registration.
  2. Maintain assigned plots and 24-inch perimeter around the plot site in a healthy and weed-free condition at all times. Any plot not worked by May 1st will be considered abandoned.
  3. Harvest garden produce regularly and avoid allowing it go to waste. You may be contacted if there is an urgent need to harvest. If the produce is not harvested, it may be donated.
  4. Clean out plots no later than November 30, except for winter crops.
  5. Respect fellow gardeners. Plantings must be kept within the borders of assigned plot(s).
  6. Agree to plant crops that do not grow above six feet relative to ground level. All sunflowers and raspberries are prohibited. Corn can only be grown in the designated “corn patch.”
  7. Clean up after him/herself including storing tools and taking any rubbish or trash off-site.
  8. Use earth-friendly gardening practices. Application of herbicide (weed killer) is prohibited.
  9. Pick only his/her crops. Produce may not be sold. Donations are encouraged.
  10. Attend at least one membership meeting per year and/or complete the gardener’s survey.
  11. Contribute at least 8 volunteer hours per year maintaining common areas as outlined in the by-laws.
  12. Record volunteer hours of common-area garden maintenance in the Garden Work Log.
  13. Make arrangements for backup plot care if unable to tend for his/her plot.
  14. Notify the Membership Coordinator if necessary to abandon garden plot for any reason.
  15. Supervise children so they don’t disturb other sites. Pets are not permitted in the BLCG.
  16. Use water and other supplied materials wisely; mulching helps preserve water.
  17. Follow the corn patch rules noted in By-Laws.
  18. Seek conflict resolution through the BLCG Leadership Team as specified in the Garden By-Laws.

If you have any questions, suggestions, and/or comments, please contact the Site Coordinator: or Membership Coordinator:

I agree to these Rules & Regulations

Gardener's Full Name

Date Signed

Date Picker

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