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City of Bonney Lake - Public Works

21719 96th ST E Buckley, WA 98321




Date Picker

Full Name

Agreement Address

Residence Address

Check One:

Installation Instructions

  1. Place sign with “Owner Will Maintain” on right of way/property line, never placea sign on the shoulder of the road
  2. Place signs on a stake or fence facing oncoming traffic
  3. Place signs with “Owner Will Maintain” at beginning and end of area not to betreated
  4. This agreement applies only to the mechanical use of the brush cutter and herbicide application, not aerial bucket truck used for overhead tree trimming
  5. This agreement is to be renewed annually
  6. The City of Bonney Lake reserves the right to use any means necessary to maintain right of way that are not maintained to City standards
  7. Maximum height of vegetation along the ditches and right of way line should be not higher than one foot
  8. I agree to adequately control vegetation on the City of Bonney Lake right of way


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