21719 96th St E Second Floor Buckley,WA 98321
Check which is applicable:
Job Site Address:
Flood Plain:
Sewage disposal:
Grinder Pump:
Property Owner
Mailing Address
Is the Applicant someone other than the property owner?
Applicant Full Name
Applicant Mailing Address
Contractor Address
Construction method:
Lawn Sprinkler with Backflow:
Fire Sprinkler:
All required review documents shall be uploaded into this application via the Click Here to Upload link below prior to submittal. If no documents are uploaded, the Permit Center will require a new application to be submitted with the required documents uploaded.
Upload Documents and Plans (1-10):
Additional Documents to Upload (11-20):
Sign Here
For the City of Bonney Lake to consider your building permit application complete, the applicant or agent must also provide a water connection application if you are within our water service area, if not we require a certificate of water/fire flow availability; a sewer permit application if within our sewer service area, if not a septic design approval from Pierce County Health Department; road approach application; and a land clearing application if necessary. All new single family residences are required to have a fire sprinkler system, this application may be deferred. Traffic and Park Impact fees must be paid at the time of permit issuance.