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City of Bonney Lake - Planning

21719 96th St E Second Floor Buckley,WA 98321


Sign Permit Application

Site and Project Data:

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Job Site Address

Property Owner's Mailing Address

Is the Applicant the same as the Owner?

Applicant's Mailing Address

Contractor's Address

Sign Details:

Sign Type(s) (Check all that apply)

Submittal Requirements (All drawings must be to scale):

Upload File(s)

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Code Requirements:

The City of Bonney Lake has a robust sign code and most frequent questions can be answered by visiting: and reviewing Chapter 15.28. Below is a general summary of criteria and requirements.

BLMC 15.28.030 General Provisions. Permits are required for the installation or construction of all permanent signs. Permits are not required for maintenance of a permitted sign or a change of copy on a painted, printed or changeable copy sign. Contractor’s constructing or repairing signs must have a valid contractor’s license.

BLMC 15.28.050 Prohibited Signs. Blade signs, balloon signs, animated signs, pennants, flashing signs and festoons are all prohibited. Pole signs are prohibited. Attaching signs to trees, utility poles, public benches or light standards is also prohibited. No signs may be placed in the median on SR 410.

BLMC 15.28.060 Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are signs designed for short-term uses that are movable and not permanently affixed to the ground or to a structure or building. The maximum size of a temporary sign is sixteen (16) square feet including both sides of a sign if both have text. There is a limit of four temporary signs per parcel. Temporary signs associated with temporary use permits or special events shall be removed within 48 hours of the conclusion of the event or use with which they are associated. Temporary signs must be ten (10) feet back from the edge of SR 410 and five (5) feet back from the edge of all other paved roads. No permit is required for a temporary sign.

BLMC 15.28.070 Signs in a Residential District. One permanent, non-internally illuminated sign per neighborhood, subdivision, development, apartment, or condominium complex per main entrance. Nonresidential uses may have one monument or one wall sign for each street frontage. A monument or wall sign shall not exceed 32 square feet per face in area and shall not exceed six feet in height.

15.28.090 Signs in Commercial District. The total combined area of all permanent signs per business establishment shall not exceed 1.5 square feet linear foot of building frontage up to a maximum of 150 square feet. Monument signs shall be set back ten (10) feet from SR 410, and the letters of these signs shall be two (2) feet tall. Internally illuminated signs shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Digital signs are limited to multi-tenant buildings or multi-building complexes and shall include an ambient light meter and dimming capacity.


I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Any changes will be reported to the jurisdiction in which the permit is valid immediately.

By leaving the contractor information section blank, I hereby certify further that contractors (general or subcontractors) will not be hired to perform any work in association with this permit. I also certify that if I do choose to hire a contractor (general or subcontractor) I will only hire those contractors that are licensed by the State of Washington.

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