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City of Bonney Lake - Utilities

9002 Main Street East, Suite 250 Bonney Lake, WA 98391

(253) 447-4317


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City of Bonney Lake accounts are maintained in the name of the property owner, requests for changes to account information must be made by the property owner. Whereas the City has set controls to prevent identity theft, proof of identification is required for any name or mailing address changes. 

Date of Request

Date Picker

Owner's Name

Would you like to sign up for your Utility Statements to be emailed to you?

Please note that accounts where tenants have been added are not eligible to receive eStatements at this time.

Is there a Co-Owner

Co-Owner's Name (if applicable)

Service Address

Is there a Property Management Company?

Contact at Management Company

Please Upload Copy of Management Agreement Here:

Click Here to Upload

Do you receive mail at an address different than the service location?

Mailing Address

The information below will be verified anytime the customer requests access to utilitty account information. Please list information for each legal property owner on the utility account. 

Upload any needed documents

Click Here to Upload

Sign Here

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