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City of Bonney Lake - Utilities

9002 Main Street East, Suite 250 Bonney Lake, WA 98391

(253) 447-4317


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If you are 62 years of age or older and are receiving the senior citizen discount on your property taxes or are disabled, you are eligible to receive the reduced water and/or sewer rate discount on your utility bill.

Bonney Lake Municipal Code 

BLMC 13.04.100 Water rates.

A. Discount for Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons. Owners of single-family residences who have qualified for real estate property tax exemption through the Pierce County assessor-treasurer’s office on the basis of age and/or disability, and who present proof thereof to the appropriate authority of the city, shall qualify and be entitled to a reduced water rate as may, from time to time, be set by the city council and established as a 50 percent reduction from the water availability charge.

BLMC 13.12.082 Sewer charges.

C. Discount for Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons. Owners of single-family residences who have qualified for real estate property tax exemption through the Pierce County Assessor-Treasurer’s office on the basis of age and/or disability, and who present proof thereof to the appropriate authority of the city, shall qualify and be entitled to a reduced sewer rate as may from time to time be set by the city council and as established as a 20 percent reduction from the sewer availability charge.

I hereby certify that I am a low income senior citizen 62 years of age or older or am disabled and that I have qualified for the discount on my Pierce County property taxes. I am submitting supporting documents for my request to receive the City of Bonney Lake’s senior/disabled discount on water and sewer (if applicable).

Full Date

Applicant's Name

Applicant's Address

Supporting Documents(s)

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Would the applicant like to receive their Utility Statements via email or mail.

Please note that accounts where tenants have been added are not eligible to receive eStatements at this time.

Applicant's Signature

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