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City of Bonney Lake - Utilities

9002 Main Street East, Suite 250 Bonney Lake, WA 98391

(253) 447-4317


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Service Address

Would you like to sign up for your Utility Statements to be emailed to you?

Please note that accounts where tenants have been added are not eligible to receive eStatements at this time.

Date Leak Discovered

Date Leak Repaired

PLEASE NOTE: Completion of this form does not guarantee an adjustment will be made to your water bill. All adjustments are issued based on your average usage for previous account history and are credited at a reduced rate for water loss only. Once the review is complete, you will receive notification of results from the Utility Billing Office. This process may take approximately 60-90 days depending upon the date your leak was repaired and the next scheduled meter reading cycle, which are done bi-monthly. 

Please return this completed form to the Utility Billing Department. Copies of receipts for any materials or services related to the repair must be attached and are required to be granted a leak adjustment. 

IRRIGATION SYSTEMS: Irrigation systems must have an approved backflow assembly device to prevent possible contamination of the Municipal drinking system per the Washington State Department of Health guidelines. The backflow assembly for the irrigation line must be an approved device that has been tested by a certified backflow assembly tester (BAT) registered in the State of Washington after installation and annually thereafter. The device and test reports must be current, and on file with the City. WHEN APPLYING FOR A LEAK ADJUSTMENT THAT HAS OCCURED IN YOUR IRRIGATION SYSTEM, PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE MOST UP TO DATE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TEST OR YOUR REQUEST WILL BE DENIED.

If the irrigation system is not in compliance with this section, it is considered an illegal connection to the water system and would not qualify for a leak adjustment. 

Additional information on utility adjustments is available to view in the Bonney Lake CIty Code under Chapter 13.04.100 (G)


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I have read, understood and agree with the leak adjustment guidelines.


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